miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Recorrido a lo largo del curso AICLE

En la siguiente creación educativa  (tiene audio), os cuento en resumidas cuentas mi paso por este curso que recomiendo a todo aquel que tenga la suerte de formar parte del proyecto bilingüe de su centro:


viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Welcoming negative numbers in 1st of ESO!

Welcoming negative numbers in 1st of ESO!

The previously published unit “Integer numbers”, pretends students of 1st of ESO Bilingual Mathematics to realize both the importance and the necessity of negative numbers in common day, as well as in other subjects that they are studying like natural and social sciences. This is why we start with an introductory class, in which we can force our students to think about, while we practice English (listening and speaking). We can try the following questions with the whole group: “Why negative numbers are necessary, give examples in common life, how are these situation correctly expressed in English: Underline the correspondent study guide in English and write down the examples collected on the board.” Doing the last proposition, they are practicing also reading and writing.
Some nice expressions and vocabulary should have been aroused here: 

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Objetivos de los recursos utilizados en la unidad AICLE Integer numbers 1 ESO

Veamos cuales son los objetivos del uso de los recursos educativos en línea usados en la anterior unidad AICLE.
  • Study guide and worksheet of exercises: Notas y ejercicios en inglés para que los alumnos trabajen con material en inglés. De esta forma están en contacto desde el primer momento con el idioma, practicando de forma natural la lectura, y empapándose de vocabulario casi sin darse cuenta. Los apuntes son estos:
http://www.libredisposicion.es/index.php/maths-study-guides-1-eso-summaries/231-integer-numbers.html, y los ejercicios aquí:


Title of the Unit : INTEGER NUMBERS                           Course / Level: 1ESO (32 students)        

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
To know the set of the integer numbers.
To understand why they are necessary and to relate them to different situation of day to day life.
To collocate both positive and negative numbers on the number line, understanding the concept of opposite numbers and absolute value.
To know and to apply the different properties of the operations involving integer numbers.
To solve combined operations involving integer numbers.
To solve arithmetic problems involving integer numbers.
2. Subject Content
Integer numbers, opposite numbers, absolute value, number line, basic properties of the operations, combined operations, problems.

3. Language Content / Communication

Nouns: numbers in English, negative, integer, below, above, subtraction, addition, sum, difference, subtrahend, minuend, multiplication, product, factor, division, remainder, dividend, divisor, bracket, solution, result,
Verbs: to solve, to apply, to add, to subtract, to divide, to multiply.
Adjectives: If …..then……, Below, above, after, before, greater, less, Expressions:  plus negative #, minus negative #,  greater than, less than, …plus…equals, …minus….is, …times…, …divided by,…., to solve, better than, worse than, better than, worse than,

Conditionals ( type 0 and type 1), imperatives, interrogatives sentences.
Discourse type
Language skills
Reading, listening, writing and speaking
4. Contextual (cultural) element
Real situations in which negative numbers are used: Dates before Christ, temperatures below 0, levels below sea level, debts….
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Analysis, relationship ability, operational skills, self evaluation.
6. (a) Task(s)
- Worksheet AICLE style to practice English involved.
6. (b) Activities
- Introductory class (speaking): Why negative numbers are necessary, try examples in common life, how are these situation expressed in English: Underline the correspondent study guide in English and write down the examples collected on the board.
- Different activities in English they have. It includes a criss-cross with the most important vocabulary.
- Worksheet to practice mental calculation involving integers: oral correction to practice in English.
-With the language assistant: Worksheet to practice expressions and vocabulary. Including reading and listening.

7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing

10 sessions:
-       Introductory class (the whole group giving ideas)
-       Doing the mental calculation (individual work, the whole class correcting). 20 – 25 minutes in two different times.
-       Working exercises in class ( comparing solutions, helping and being helped by their partner/s)
-       With the language assistant: In groups of 16.
Resources / Materials

-       Study guide in English.
-       Activities in English about the general contents.
-       Criss-cross
-       Worksheet to practice mental calculation involving integers.
-       The language assistant (2 times per month)
-       Special worksheet to practice to practice expressions and vocabulary. Including reading and listening.

Key Competences
-Mathematical thinking applied to real situations and real problems, mental calculation.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
- Based on: oral corrections, work done on the board, daily work and attitude, written test.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

A webmix? Yes, it is a useful tool

Internet is plenty of educational resourses, but your complete and ideal unit for your students...I bet it does not exist at all.
Of course you have to prepare your own unit, with your own explanations and exercises. Something will came from a web, another thing from the other one, maybe a video from the Tube, and finally you usually work using several webs that sometimes can be forgotten.

Symbaloo provides you a webmix,  a personal desktop with all your useful web on it. Just click.

This is my personal webmix, with all my usual page to prepare for bilingual maths class:

Bilingual Maths

The ones in grey are videos.
The ones in yelow are pages with study guides and exercises. From here I would like to remark www.libredisposicion.es. This is my own page, in which I have load all the material that I have been elaborating in two years teaching bilingual maths. That is why this page is totally adapated to the Spanish Syllabus.
The ones in brown are tools to make crosswords and so on.
The ones in pink are games.
The ones in violet are pages with interactives exercises.
The one in green is a list to acces to mooooore web pages.
Of course, you are welcome to use it!

AICLE/CLIC Methodological aspects

Some new things have been learned about this topic, the most important is the fact that its not enought just to translate the ordinary class to English.
 It is necessary to add a list of exercises devoted to learn and reinforce the both the vocabulary and the expressions we expect to be learned by our students.
This kind of exercises can include sentences in which a hole has to be fillen in, crosswords, questions to be answered with a sentence.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014


You can see a very fast presentation here:

Uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE)

Just finishing the second block of the course:

Uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE)

I have leant that:

1. AICLE means aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras. This suppose you teach Math using both Spanish and English.

According to major expert, your students will learn both Math and English and besides, their cognitive patterns will be improved.

2. From forum discussions I have learned that:

  •  The bilingual project is a desirable professional challenge for all those teacher involved. 
  • This project is applied with very different criteria depending on the political ideas of each
  •  Spanish region.
3. From this course I expect to learn:
  • how interactive tools can help.
  • how can I get a bigger oral participation from my students.